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Policies of Our Online Version Service

Our databanks are updated daily and can be accessed online. Universities are entitled to educational discount and the databanks can be accessed by all users under the University IP domain -- including students. faculty members and all employees.

Our service policies for users in the areas outside of Taiwan and China are briefly as follows:

(1)Name of the service: "AREMOS Taiwan Economic Statistical Databanks "
(2)The data are provided online and updated daily
(3)The databanks can be accessed by all members of the subscribing institutions, but cannot be resold to or made available to people outside of the subscribing institutions.
(4)The annual fee is US$ 10,000. Universities are entitled to academic discount at US$ 7,000 per year.
(5)Payment checks must be made payable to "Taiwan Economic Data Center" and sent via courier or Air Mail to:

Taiwan Economic Data Center
2F, No. 17-1, Lane 269
Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 3
Taipei 106