第一章 台灣股票上櫃公司 財務報表資料庫簡介


1.3 一般產業股(OTCCOMP.bnk)之「開頭字母」與「項目名稱英文縮寫」

(一) 資產 (Assets, 開頭字母 A, 共 40 項) 

單位: 新台幣千元
(1) CASH:現金及約當現金 (Cash & Cash Equivalent)
(2) ST:短期投資 (Short-term Investment - Marketable Securities)
(3) FIAFC: 公平價值變動列入損益之金融資產-流動 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through

Profit or Loss-Current)

(4) AFIAC備供出售金融資產-流動 (Available- for-sale Financial Assets-Current)
(5) NAR:應收帳款淨額 (Net Accounts Receivable)
(6) NNR應收票據淨額 (Net Notes Receivable)
(7) ARAFF:應收關係企業款項 (Accounts Receivable from Affiliates)
(8) OTHR:其他應收款 (Other Receivables)
(9) INV:存貨 (Inventories)
(10) PRE:預付費用及預付款 (Prepaid Expenses)
(11) OTHCA:其他流動資產 (Other Current Assets)
(12) CA:流動資產總額 (Total Current Assets)
(13) FUND:基金 (Fund)
(14) LT:長期投資淨額 (Long-term Investment)
(15) IEQU採權益法之長期股權投資 (Investment Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(16) FIAF公平價值變動列入損益之金融資產 (Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)
(17) AFIA備供出售金融資產 (Available- for-sale Financial Assets)
(18) HFIA持有至到期日金融資產 (Held-to-maturity Financial Assets)
(19) FIAC以成本衡量之金融資產 (Financial Assets Carried at Cost)
(20) IDEBT無活絡市場之債券投資 (Investments In Debt Security with No Active Market)
(21) OFIA其他金融資產-非流動 (Other Financial Assets - Noncurrent)
(22) TFUND基金與投資總額 (Total Fund and Investment)
(23) LAND:土地 (Land)
(24) BLD:房屋建築 (Buildings)
(25) MACH:機器設備 (Machinery Equipment)
(26) TRAN:運輸設備 (Transportation Equipment)
(27) NAT:天然資源 (Natural Resources)
(28) MISCEQ:雜項設備 (Miscellaneous Equipment)
(29) APPR:固定資產重估增值 (Appreciation in Revaluation on Fixed Assets)
(30) DEPR:累積折舊 (Accumulated Depreciation)
(31) DEPL:累積折耗 (Accumulated Depletion)
(32) FA@DED:固定資產之其他減項 (Other Deduction on Fixed Assets)
(33) CON:在建工程及預付設備款 (Construction in Process)
(34) NFA:固定資產淨額 (Net Fixed Assets)
(35) DEF:遞延資產 (Deferred Assets)
(36) INT:無形資產 (Intangible Assets)
(37) LEA:出租資產 (Leasing Assets (Rental Assets))
(38) MISC:雜項資產 (存出保證金、暫付款等) (Miscellaneous Assets)
(39) OTHA:其他資產總額 (Total Other Assets)
(40) TOTAL:總資產 (Total Assets)