
Table 4  Government Expenditure by Main Item
表 4   国家财政主要支出项目

NAME:该笔数据的检索代号 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:该笔资料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:该笔数据之频率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年资料,Q:季资料,M:月资料,W:周资料,D:日资料,S:半年资料)
START:该笔数据在数据库之起始期间 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CGE@CAP China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Capital Construction (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 基本建设支出 (百万人民币)
A 1950
CGE@INSCI China - Government Expenditure - Innovation Funds & Science & Technology Promotion Funds (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 挖潜改造资金和科技三项费用 (百万人民币)
A 1954
CGE@INF China - Government Expenditure - Enterprises Innovation Funds (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 企业挖潜改造资金 (百万人民币)
A 1978
CGE@SCIF China - Government Expenditure - Science & Technology Promotion Funds (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 科技三项费用 (百万人民币)
A 1953
CGE@ENTK China - Government Expenditure - Additional Appropriation for Enterprises Circulating Capital (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 增援企业流动资金 (百万人民币)
A 1952
CGE@GEO China - Government Expenditure - Geological Prospecting Expenses (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 地质勘探费 (百万人民币)
A 1953
CGE@ITC China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses of Departments of Industry Transportation & Commerce (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 工交商业部门事业费 (百万人民币)
A 1953
CGE@AGR China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Supporting Agricultural Production & Agriculture Operating Expenses (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 支持农村生产支出和各项农业事业费 (百万人民币)
A 1953
CGE@AFIM China - Government Expenditure - Expenses of Agriculture Forest Irrigation & Meteorology (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 农村水利和气象支出 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@AGRD China - Government Expenditure - Expenses of Agriculture Comprehensive Development (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 农业综合研发支出 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@URB China - Government Expenditure - Urban Maintenance & Construction Expenditure (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 城市维护建设支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@URBM China - Government Expenditure - Urban Maintenance & Construction Expense (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 城市维护建设费 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@ENVI China - Government Expenditure - Environmental Protection & Urban Water Resources Construction Expenses (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 环境保护和城市水资源建设支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@OECUL China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses for Culture Education Science & Health Care (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 文教科学卫生事业费 (百万人民币)
A 1950
CGE@OEEDU China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses for Education (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 教育事业费 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@OEHEA China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses for Health (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 卫生事业费 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@OESCI China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses for Science (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 科学事业费 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@OECSB China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses for Culture Sports & Broadcast (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 文体广播事业费 (百万人民币)
A 2000
CGE@PENS China - Government Expenditure - Pension & Relief Funds for Social Welfare (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 抚恤和社会福利救济费 (百万人民币)
A 1952
CGE@SSEC China - Government Expenditure - Social Security Subsidiary Expenses (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 社会保障补助支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@ADM China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Government Administration (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 行政管理费 (百万人民币)
A 1952
CGE@GADM China - Government Expenditure - General Administration (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 一般行政管理 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@PSEC China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Public Security Agency Procuratorial Agency & Court of Justice (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 公检法司支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@DIPL China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Diplomacy (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 外交外事支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@ARM China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Armed Police Troops (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 武装警察部队支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@EASS China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for External Assistance (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 对外援助支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@UNDER China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Supporting Underdeveloped Areas (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 支持经济不发达地区支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@OEOTH China - Government Expenditure - Operating Expenses in Other Departments (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 其他部门的事业费 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@OTH China - Government Expenditure - Other Expenditures (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 其他支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@PSUB China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Price Subsidies (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 政策性补贴支出 (百万人民币)
A 1978
CGE@GRAIN China - Government Expenditure - Subsidies on Price Increases in Grain Cotton & Edible Oil (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 粮棉油价格补贴 (百万人民币)
A 1978
CGE@MEAT China - Government Expenditure - Subsidies on Price Increase in Meats (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 肉食价格补贴 (百万人民币)
A 1985
CGE@STABP China - Government Expenditure - Subsidies on Stabilizing Price Level & Sugar Reserve (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 平抑物价和储备糖等补贴 (百万人民币)
A 1994
CGE@OPSUB China - Government Expenditure - Other Price Subsidies (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 其他价格补贴 (百万人民币)
A 1979
CGE@EDUS China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure on Education Surcharge (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 教育费附加支出 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@RETIR China - Government Expenditure - Expenditure for Retired Persons in Administrative Department (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 行政事业单位离退休经费 (百万人民币)
A 1999
CGE@INTP China - Government Expenditure - Interest Payment for Domestic & Foreign Debts (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政支出 - 国内外债务付息支出 (百万人民币)
A 2000