
Table 19  Government Payment for the Principal and Interest of Debts
表 19   国家财政债务还本付息支出

NAME:该笔数据的检索代号 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:该笔资料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:该笔数据之频率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年资料,Q:季资料,M:月资料,W:周资料,D:日资料,S:半年资料)
START:该笔数据在数据库之起始期间 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CDEBP@TOT China - Government Payment for The Principal & Interest of Debts - Total (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政债务还本付息支出 - 合计 (百万人民币)
A 1950
CDEBP@DOM China - Government Payment for The Principal & Interest of Debts - Domestic Debts (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政债务还本付息支出 - 国内债务还本付息 (百万人民币)
A 1950
CDEBP@PBC China - Government Payment for The Principal & Interest of Debts - Payment of The Interest of Loans from Peoples Bank (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政债务还本付息支出 - 归还向人民银行借款的利息 (百万人民币)
A 1951
CDEBP@FOR China - Government Payment for The Principal & Interest of Debts - Foreign Debts (RMB million)
中国 - 国家财政债务还本付息支出 - 国外债务还本付息 (百万人民币)
A 1951