第二章 台湾股票上柜公司财务报表资料库简介


1.4 金控股合并报表(OTCCOMPO.bnk)之“开头字母”与“项目名称英文缩写”

(二) 负债 (Liabilities, 开头字母 L, 共 17 项)
单位: 新台币千元
(28) DUE:央行及同业存款 (Due to the Central Bank & Financial Institutions)
(29) BOR:央行及同业融资 (Funds Borrowed from Central Bank and Banks)
(30) STNP:应付短期票券 ( Short-Term Notes Payable)
(31) FILF:公平价值变动列入损益之金融负债 (Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)
(32) BBSR:附买回票券及债券负债 (Bills & Bonds Sold under Repurchase Agreements)
(33) PAY:应付款项 (Payables)
(34) DEP:存款及汇款 (Deposits and Remittance)
(35) BDI:金融债券 (Bank Debentures Issued)
(36) OLOAN其他借款 (Other Loans)
(37) BP:应付公司债 (Bonds Payable)
(38) PEN:应付退休金负债 (Accrued Pension Liabilities)
(39) LTAX:土地增值税准备 (Reserve for Land Appropriation Tax)
(40) APR:拨入放款基金 (Appropriation for Loans)
(41) OFIL:其他金融负债 (Total Financial Liabilities)
(42) RES:营业及负债准备 (Reserves)
(43) OTHL:其他负债 (Total Other Liabilities)
(44) TOTAL:总负债 (Total Liabilities)