
Chapter 3  CEPD Retrieval Code Index - by A, B, C

第三章 「經建會」預測 (CEPD) 之檢索代號索引 ─ 按 A、B、C 順序

  NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
  DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
  FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)

( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)

  START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)

CG01% Real Government Consumption Expenditure (Growth Rate) (new 1993 SNA) (%) A 1952
實質政府最終消費成長率 (按 1993 新版國民會計制度 ) (%)
CPI% Consumer Price Index - General Index (Growth Rate) (%) A 1960
消費者物價指數成長率 (%)
CP01% Real Private Consumption Expenditure (Growth Rate) (new 1993 SNA) (%) A 1952
實質民間最終消費成長率 (按 1993 新版國民會計制度 ) (%)
E% Labor Force Employed (Growth Rate) (%) A 1952
就業勞動力成長率 (%)
EX01% Exports of Goods & Services (Growth Rate) (new 1993 SNA) (%) A 1952
實質出口成長率 (按 1993 新版國民會計制度 ) (%)
GDP01% Real Gross Domestic Product (Growth Rate) (new 1993 SNA) (%) A 1952
實質國民生產毛額成長率 (按 1993 新版國民會計制度 ) (%)
IFIXENTG01%      Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation - Public Corporations & Government Enterprises (Growth Rate) (%) A 1952
實質國內固定資本形成 (公營事業) 成長率 (%)
IFIXENTP01% Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation - Private Enterprises (Growth Rate) (%) A 1997
實質國內固定資本形成 (民營企業) 成長率 (%)
IFIXG01% Real Gross Fixed Capital Formation - General Government (Growth Rate) (%) A 1952
實質國內固定資本形成 (政府) 成長率 (%)
M01% Imports of Goods & Services (Growth Rate) (new 1993 SNA) (%) A 1952
實質進口成長率 (按 1993 新版國民會計制度 ) (%)
RU Unemployment Rate (%) A 1951
失業率 (%)