
Table 7 Industry of Employed Persons, by Year in Taiwan Area

表 7 台灣地區歷年就業者之行業

  NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
  DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
  FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)

( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)

  START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)

單位: 千人 (1000 Persons)

E Labor Force Employed - Total (1000 persons)
就業勞動力 - 總計 (千人)
A 1951
  M 78:1 
EAF&F Employed Persons by Industry - Agriculture Forestry & Fishing & Animal Husbandry (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 農、林、漁、牧業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
EIND Employed Persons by Industry - Industry (Subtotal) (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 計 (千人)
A 1978
  M 78:1 
EMI&Q Employed Persons by Industry - Mining & Quarrying (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 礦業及土石採取業 (千人)
A 1978
  M 78:1 
EMFG Employed Persons by Industry - Manufacturing (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 製造業 (千人)
A 1978
  M 78:1 
EEGAS Employed Persons by Industry - Electricity & Gas Supply (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 電力及燃氣供應業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EWATER Employed Persons by Industry - Water Supply & Remediation Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 用水供應及污染整治業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
ECON Employed Persons by Industry - Construction (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 工業 - 營造業 (千人)
A 1978
  M 78:1 
ESV Employed Persons by Industry - Services (Subtotal) (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 計 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
ETRA Employed Persons by Industry - Trade (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 批發及零售業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
ETST Employed Persons by Industry - Transportation& Storage (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 運輸及倉儲業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EEAT Employed Persons by Industry - Accommodation & Eating-drinking Places (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 住宿及餐飲業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
EINF Employed Persons by Industry - Information and Communication (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 資訊與通訊傳播業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EFI Employed Persons by Industry - Finance & Insurance (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 金融及保險業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
EREAL Employed Persons by Industry - Real Estate (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 不動產業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EPRO Employed Persons by Industry - Professional Scientific & Technical Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 專業、科學及技術服務業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
ESUSV Employed Persons by Industry - Support Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 支援服務業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EPADM Employed Persons by Industry - Public Administration & Defence Compulsory Social (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 公共行政及國防;強制性社會安全 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EEDU Employed Persons by Industry - Educational Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 教育服務業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
EHEALTH Employed Persons by Industry - Human Health & Social Work Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 醫療保健及社會工作服務業 (千人)
A 1999
  M 99:1 
EART Employed Persons by Industry - Arts Entertainment & Recreational Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 藝術、娛樂及休閒服務業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1
EOSV Employed Persons by Industry - Other Services (1000 persons)
就業者之行業 - 服務業 - 其他服務業 (千人)
A 2005
  M 2005:1