
Table 6  Educational-Attainment Labor Force Participation
Rate, by Year in Taiwan Area

表 6 台灣地區歷年教育程度別之勞動力參與率

  NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
  DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
  FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)

( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)

  START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)

單位: %





RPT Labor Force Participation Rate - Both Sexes (%) A 1951
  勞動力參與率 - 總計 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@JHIGH&B Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Junior High & below (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 國中及以下 (計) (%) M 78:1 
RPT@PRIM&B Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Primary School & Below (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 國小及以下 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@JHIGH Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Junior High (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 國中 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@SHIGH&V Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Senior High & Vocational (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 高中 (職) (計) (%) M 78:1 
RPT@SHIGH Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Senior High (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 高中 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@VOCA Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Vocational (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 高職 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@JCOLL&A Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Junior College & above (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 大專及以上 (計) (%) M 78:1 
RPT@JCOLL Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Junior College (Total) (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 專科 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@UNIV&G Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - University & Graduate School (%) A 1978
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 大學及以上 (%) M 78:1 
RPT@UNIV Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - University (%) A 2011
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 大學 (%) M 2011:1 
RPT@GRAD&A Labor Force Participation Rate by Educational Attainment - Graduate School & Above (%) A 2011
  教育程度別之勞動力參與率 - 研究所及以上 (%) M 2011:1