第一章 台灣股票上市公司 財務報表資料庫簡介


1.6 銀行票券業股(COMPB.bnk)之「開頭字母」與「項目名稱英文縮寫」

(四) 損益表 (Income Statement, 開頭字母 I, 共 25 項)

單位: 新台幣千元
(59) INTR:利息收入 (Interest Revenue)
(60) INTE:利息費用 (Interest Expense)
(61) INTN:利息淨收益 (Interest Income (Net))
(62) FEE: 手續費淨收益 (Service Fee Revenue & Commission (Net))
(63) FIAL透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債損益 (Gains or Losses on Financial Assets (Liabilities) at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)
(64) REFI備供出售金融資產之已實現損益 (Realized Gain or Loss on Available-for-sale Financial Assets)
(65) IIL:採用權益法認列之 投資損益 (Investment Income or Loss from Investment Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(66) XGL:兌換損益 (Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss)
(67) AIMP: 資產減損損益 (Loss on Asset Impairment)
(68) ORES 其他各項提存 (Provision for Other Reserve)
(69) NLOAN攤銷出售不良債權損益 (Amortization Loss (Gain) on Selling of Non-performing Loans)
(70) PROP財產交易損益 (Gain or Loss on Property Exchange)
(71) RBAD收回呆帳及過期帳 (Recovered Bad & Overdue Accounts)
(72) OREV:其他非利息淨損益 (Other Revenue Except for Interest Income)
(73) NREV:淨收益 (Net Revenue)
(74) BAD:呆帳費用及保證責任準備提存 (Bad Debt Expense & Guarantee Liability Provisions)
(75) OE:營業費用 (Operating Expenses)
(76) BTAX:繼續營業部門稅前淨利 (Income Before Income Tax from Continuing Operations)
(77) TAX:所得稅費用 (Income Tax Expenses)
(78) CONT:繼續營業部門淨利 (Income from Continuing Operations)
(79) DISC:停業部門損益 (Income (Loss) from Discontinued Department)
(80) EXT:非常損益 (Extraordinary Items)
(81) ACC:累積影響數 (Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principles)
(82) NI:本期稅後淨利 (Net Income)
(83) EPS:每股盈餘(元) (Earnings Per Share)