第一章 台灣股票上市公司 財務報表資料庫簡介


1.3 一般產業股(COMP.bnk)之「開頭字母」與「項目名稱英文縮寫」

(四) 損益表 (Income Statement, 開頭字母 I, 共 40 項)

單位: 新台幣千元
(76) REV:主要營業收入 (Gross Revenue)
(77) RET:退回及折讓 (Sales Returns & Allowance)
(78) OTHOR:其他營業收入 (Other Operating Revenue)
(79) NNOR:營業收入淨額 (Net Operating Revenue)
(80) COST:營業成本 (Cost of Goods Sold or Manufacturing)
(81) PRO:營業毛利 (Gross Profit)
(82) REAP:毛利調整數 (Realized (+) or Unrealized (-) Gross Profit)
(83) OE:營業費用 (Operating Expenses)
(84) OI:營業淨利(損) (Operating Income)
(85) INTR:利息收入 (Interest Revenue)
(86) PASS:採用權益法認列之子公司、關聯企業及合資收益之份額 (Share of Profit of Associates & Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(87) DINV:處分投資利益 (Gain on Disposal of Investment)
(88) DFA:處分固定資產利益 (Gain on Disposal of Fixed Assets)
(89) VGAIN:金融商品評價利益 ( Valuation Gain on Financial Investments)
(90) GFIN: 透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債利益 ( Gains on Financial Assets (Liabilities) at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)
(91) XGAIN:兌換盈餘 (Exchange Gain)
(92) RENT:租金收入 (Rent Revenue)
(93) OTHNOR:其他收入 (Other Non-operating Revenue)
(94) NOR:營業外收入總額 (Total Non-operating Revenue)
(95) INTE:利息支出 (Interest Expense)
(96) LASS:採用權益法認列之子公司、關聯企業及合資損失之份額 (Share of Loss of Associates & Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(97) LDINV:處分投資損失 (Loss on Disposal of Investment)
(98) LDFA:處分固定資產損失 (Loss on Disposal of Fixed Assets)
(99) VLOSS:金融商品評價損失 ( Valuation Loss on Financial Investments)
(100) LFIN: 透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債損失 ( Loss on Financial Assets (Liabilities) at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)
(101) XLOSS:兌換損失 (Exchange Loss)
(102) LVAL:資產評價損失 (Loss on Valuation of Assets)
(103) LIMP:資產減損損失 (Impairment Loss)
(104) OTHNOE:其他損失或支出 (Other Non-operating Expense (or Loss))
(105) NOE:營業外支出總額 (Total Non-operating Expense)
(106) NNOI:營業外收支淨額 (Net Non-operating Income)
(107) BTAX:稅前純益 (Income before Tax)
(108) TAX:所得稅費用 (Income Tax Expense)
(109) CONT:繼續營業部門淨利 (Income from Continuing Operation)
(110) DISC:停業部門損益 (Income from Discontinued Department)
(111) EXT:非常項目 (Extraordinary Items)
(112) ACC:累計影響數 (Cumulative Effect of Accounting Principle Changes)
(113) NI:本期稅後淨利 (Net Income)
(114) CNI:合併總淨利 (Consolidated Net Income)
*註:此項目僅出現在外國第一上市公司(即證券簡稱前兩碼為「F-」者,例如:1589 F-永冠)之財務報表。
(115) CNIS:合併總淨利歸屬母公司股東 (Consolidated Net Income Attributed to Shareholders of the Parent Company)
*註:此項目僅出現在外國第一上市公司(即證券簡稱前兩碼為「F-」者,例如:1589 F-永冠)之財務報表。
(116) CNIN:合併總淨利歸屬非控制股權 (Consolidated Net Income Attributed to Non-controlling Interest)
*註:此項目僅出現在外國第一上市公司(即證券簡稱前兩碼為「F-」者,例如:1589 F-永冠)之財務報表。
(117) EPS:每股盈餘 (Earnings Per Share)
(118)    R&D:研發費用 (Research & Development Expense)