第一章 台灣股票上市公司財務報表資料庫簡介


1.5 金控股母公司(COMPH.bnk)之「開頭字母」與「項目名稱英文縮寫」

(四) 損益表 (Income Statement, 開頭字母 I, 共 15 項)

單位: 新台幣千元
(42) INTR:利息收入 (Interest Revenue)
(43) PASS:採用權益法認列之子公司、關聯企業及合資收益之份額 (Share of Profit of Associates & Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(44) OGAIN:其他收益 (Other Gains)
(45) TGAIN:總收益 (Total Gains)
(46) INTE:利息費用 (Interest Expense)
(47) LASS採用權益法認列之子公司、關聯企業及合資損失之份額 (Share of Loss of Associates & Joint Ventures Accounted for Using Equity Method)
(48) OE:營業費用 (Operating Expenses)
(49) OTHE:其他費用及損失 (Other Expenses or Losses)
(50) TE:總費用及損失 (Total Expenses or Losses)
  註:(50)= (46)+(47)+(48)+(49)
(51) BTAX:繼續營業單位稅前淨利 (Income from Continuing Operation before Income Tax)
  註:(51) = (45)-(50)
(52) TAX:所得稅費用 (Income Tax Expense)
(53) CONT:繼續營業單位稅後淨利 (Income from Continuing Operation after Income Tax)
  註:(53) = (51)-(52)
(54) DISC:停業單位損益 (Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation )
(55) NI:本期稅後淨利 (Net Income)
  註:(55) = (53)+(54)
(56) EPS:每股盈餘(元) (Earnings Per Share)