第一章 台灣股票上市公司 財務報表資料庫簡介


1.7 保險信託業股(COMPT.bnk)之「開頭字母」與「項目名稱英文縮寫」

(四) 損益表 (Income Statement, 開頭字母 I, 共 38 項)

單位: 新台幣千元


PREMW:簽單保費收入 (Premium Income from Written Policy)


RPI:再保費收入 (Reinsurance Premium Income)


PREM:保費收入 (Premiums Income)




REINE:再保費支出 (Reinsurance  Expenses)


PUPR:未滿期保費準備淨變動 (Net changes in Unearned Premiums)


RPE:自留滿期保費收入 (Retained Premiums Earned)




RCOM:再保佣金收入 (Reinsurance Commission Income)


FEE:手續費收入 (Processing Service Fees Income)


INTR:利息收入 (Interest Income)


FIAL: 透過損益按公允價值衡量之金融資產及負債損益 (Gains or Losses on Financial Assets (Liabilities) at Fair Value through Profit or Loss)


IIL:採權益法認列之投資損益 (Investment Income from Equity Investment Accounted for Using Equity Method)


XGL:兌換損益 (Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss)


GIFA:備供出售金融資產已實現損益 (Realized Gains or Losses on Available-for-sale Financial Assets)


GINV:投資性不動產利益 (Gain on Investment Property)


IMP:投資減損及迴轉利益 (Impairment Loss & Gain on Reversal of Impairment Loss)


OINV:其他投資損益 (Other Investment Income (Loss))


OTHOR:其他營業收入 (Other Operating Revenue)


PRODR:分離帳戶保險商品收益 (Separate Account Products Revenues)


TOR:營業收入總額 (Total Operating Revenue)




INS:保險賠款與給付 (Benefit & Claims Paid to Policyholders)


RECR:攤回再保賠款與給付 (Less Benefits & Claims Recovered from Reinsurers )


OCL:自留保險賠款與給付 (Retained Benefits & Claims Paid)


INSL:保險負債淨變動 (Net Change in Provisions for Insurance Liabilities)


ACQE:承保費用 (Acquisition Expenses)


RCOME:佣金支出 (Commission Expenses)


OTHOC:其他營業成本 (Other Operating Costs)


PRODE:分離帳戶保險商品費用 (Separate Account Products Expenses )


TOC:營業成本總額 (Total Operating Costs)




OE:營業費用 (Operating Expenses)


OI:營業 利益 (Profit (Loss) from Operations)




NOR:營業外收入及利益 (Total Non-operating Revenue)


OTHNOE:營業外費用及損失 (Total Non-operating Expenses)


BTAX:繼續營業部門稅前淨利 (Profit (Loss) Before Income Tax from Continuing Operations)




TAX:所得稅費用 (Income Tax Expenses)


CONT:繼續營業部門淨利 (Net Profit (Loss) from Continuing Operation)


DISC:停業部門損益 (Net Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation)


NI:本期稅後淨利 (Net Income)




EPS:每股盈餘 (Earnings per Share)