
Table 9  Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio
表 9   上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CPESH@STO China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio (monthly) - All Stocks (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率 (月資料) - 股票合計 (本益比)
M 1996:8
CPESH@A China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio (monthly) - A-Share (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率 (月資料) - A 股 (本益比)
M 1996:8
CPESH@B China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio (monthly) - B-Share (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率 (月資料) - B 股 (本益比)
M 1996:10
CPESH@AGR China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Agriculture (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 農林牧漁業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@MI China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Mining (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 採掘業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@MFG China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@FOOD China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Food & Beverage (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:食品飲料 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@TEXT China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Textiles & Apparel (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:紡織服裝皮毛 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@TIM China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Timber & Furnishings (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:木材傢俱 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@PAPER China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Paper & Printing (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:造紙印刷 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@PETR China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Petrochemicals (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:石油化學塑膠塑料 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@ELEN China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Electronics (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:電子 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@MTL China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Metals & Non-metals (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:金屬非金屬 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@MACH China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Machinery (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:機械設備儀表 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@PHAR China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Pharmaceuticals (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:醫藥生物製品 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@OMFG China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Manufacturing: Others (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 製造業:其他 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@EGW China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Electricity Gas & Water (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 電力煤氣及水的生產和供應業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@CON China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Construction (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 建築業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@TRANS China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Transportation (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 交通運輸倉儲業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@IT China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Information & Technology (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 信息技術業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@WR China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Wholesale & Retail (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 批發和零售貿易 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@FIN China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Financials (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 金融保險業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@REAL China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Real Estate (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 房地產業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@SSV China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Social Services (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 社會服務業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@MEDIA China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Media (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 傳播及文化產業 (本益比)
M 2001:4
CPESH@CONG China - Shanghai Stock Exchange Weighted Average P/E Ratio by Sectorial-type (monthly) - Conglomerates (P/E ratio)
中國 - 上海證券交易所加權平均市盈率按行業分類 (月資料) - 綜合類 (本益比)
M 2001:4