
Table 4  Urban Consumer Price Indices by Category
表 4   城市居民消費價格分類指數

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CCPIU78@TOT China - Urban Consumer Price Index - Total (1978 = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格定基指數 - 加總 (1978=100)
A 1978
CCPIU@TOT China - Urban Consumer Price Index - Total (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格指數 - 加總 (上年=100)
A 1951
CCPIU@FOOD China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Food (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 食品類 (上年=100)
A 1951
CCPIU@GRAIN China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Grain (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 糧食 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@RICE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Rice (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 大米 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@FLOU China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Flour (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 麵粉 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@STAR China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Starches & Tubers (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 澱粉及薯類 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@BEAN China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Bean & Its Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 乾豆類及豆製品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@OIL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Oil or Fat (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 油脂 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@MEAT China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Meat Poultry & Their Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 肉禽及其製品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@EGG China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Eggs (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 蛋 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@AQUA China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Aquatic Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 水產品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@VEG China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Vegetables (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 菜 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@FVEG China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Fresh Vegetables (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 鮮菜 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@FLAV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Flavoring (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 調味品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CARB China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Carbohydrate (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 糖 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@TEAB China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Tea & Beverages (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 茶及飲料 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TEA China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Tea (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 茶 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@BEV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Beverages (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 飲料 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@DFMEL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Dried & Fresh Melons & Fruits (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 乾鮮瓜果 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@FFRUI China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Fresh Fruits (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 鮮果 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CAKE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Cake Biscuit & Bread (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 糕點餅乾麵包 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@MILK China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Milk & Its Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 奶及奶製品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@OFOOD China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Other Foods & Manufacturing Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 其他食品及加工服務費 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@OUTD China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Outward Dinner (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 在外用膳食品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@TOBL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Tobacco Liquor & Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 菸酒及用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TOB China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Tobacco (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 菸草 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@LIQU China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Liquor (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 酒 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@ASMO China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Articles for Smoking & Drinking (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 吸煙飲酒用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@CLOT China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Clothing (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 衣著 (上年=100)
A 1951
CCPIU@GAR China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Garments (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 服裝 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CLOTM China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Clothing Material (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 衣著材料 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@FOOTG China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Footgear & Hats (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 鞋襪帽 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CLOSV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Clothing Manufacturing Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 衣著加工服務費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@HH China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Household Facilities Articles & Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 家庭設備用品及服務 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@DURA China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Durable Consumer Goods (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 耐用消費品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@FURN China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Furniture (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 傢具 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@HFAC China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Household Facilities (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 家庭設備 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@INTDE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Interior Decorations (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 室內裝飾品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@BED China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Bed Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 牀上用品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@DAILY China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Daily Use Household Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 家庭日用雜品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@HHSV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Household Service & Manufacturing Upkeep (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 家庭服務及加工維修服務費 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@HEAL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Health Care & Personal Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 醫療保健和個人用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@HCARE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Health Care (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 醫療保健 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CHMED China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Traditional Chinese Medicine (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 中藥材及中成藥 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@WMED China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Western Medicine (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 西藥 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@MEDIN China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Medical Instrument & Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 醫療器具及用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@HAPPL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Health Care Appliances & Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 保健器具及用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@HEASV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Health Care Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 醫療保健服務 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@PER China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Personal Articles & Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 個人用品及服務 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@COSM China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Cosmetics (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 化妝美容用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@SANI China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Sanitation Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 衛生用品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@PERDE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Personal Decorations (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 個人飾品 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@PERSV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Personal Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 個人服務 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TRANC China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Transportation & Communication (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 交通和通信 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@TRAN China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Transportation (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 交通 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@TRFAC China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Transportation Facility (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 交通工具 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@FUEL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Fuels and Parts (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 車用燃料及零配件 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TRUSE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Using & Upkeep Fare (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 車輛使用及維修費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@INCI China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Incity Traffic Fare (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 市內公共交通費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@INTCI China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Intercity Traffic Fare (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 城市間交通費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@COMMU China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Communication (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 通信 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@COFAC China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Communication Facility (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 通信工具 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@COSV China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Communication Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 通信服務 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@REC China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Recreation Education & Culture Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 娛樂教育文化 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@DUCUL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Durable Consumer Goods for Cultural & Recreational Use & Services (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 文娛用耐用消費品及服務 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@EDU China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Education (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 教育 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TUIT China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Tuition & Child Care (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 學雜托幼費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TEACM China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Teaching Materials & Reference Books (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 教材及參考書 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CULRE China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Cultural & Recreational Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 文化娛樂用品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@CULA China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Cultural Articles (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 文化用品 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@NEWS China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Newspapers & Magazines (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 書報雜誌 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@EXCUL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Expenditure of Culture & Recreation (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 文娛費 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@TOUR China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Touring & Outgoing (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 旅遊及外出 (上年=100)
A 2001
CCPIU@RES China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Residence (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 居住 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@PHOUS China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Private Housing (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 自用住房 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@BUIL China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Building & Building Decoration Materials (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 建房及裝修材料 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@RENT China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Rent (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 租房 (上年=100)
A 1994
CCPIU@WEF China - Urban Consumer Price Index by Category - Water Electricity & Fuels (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 城市居民消費價格分類指數 - 水電燃料 (上年=100)
A 1994