
Table 10  Indices of Producers' Prices for Farm Products
表 10   農產品生產價格指數

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CPPIF@TOT China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - General Index (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 總指數 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@PLTP China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Planting Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 種植業產品 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@CER China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Cereal (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 穀物 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@WHEAT China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Wheat (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 小麥 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@RICE China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Rice (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 稻穀 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@CORN China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Corn (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 玉米 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@BEAN China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Bean (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 豆類 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@OILC China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Oil-bearing Crops (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 油料 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@COTT China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Cotton (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 棉花 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@SUGC China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Sugar-bearing Crops (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 糖料 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@VEG China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Vegetables (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 蔬菜 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@FRUI China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Fruits (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 水果 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@FORP China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Forestry Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 林業產品 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@ANIP China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Animal Husbandry Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 牧業產品 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@PIG China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Pig (gross weight) (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 豬 (毛重) (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@CATT China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Cattle & Buffaloes (gross weight) (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 牛 (毛重) (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@SHEE China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Sheep & Goats (gross weight) (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 羊 (毛重) (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@POUL China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Poultry (gross weight) (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 家禽 (毛重) (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@EGG China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Eggs (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 蛋類 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@MILK China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Milk (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 奶類 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@FISHP China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Fishing Products (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 漁業產品 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@SFISH China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Seawater Fish (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 海水魚類 (上年=100)
A 2002
CPPIF@FFISH China - Producer Price Index for Farm Products - Freshwater Fish (preceding year = 100)
中國 - 農產品生產價格指數 - 淡水魚類 (上年=100)
A 2002