
Table 2  Benchmark Interest Rates of Central Bank and Required Reserve Ratio
表 2   中央銀行基準利率與存款準備金率

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CRMPBC@RR China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Reserve Requirements (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 法定準備金帳戶 (年利率%)
M 1987:1
CRMPBC@ER China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Excess Reserves (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 超額儲備帳戶 (年利率%)
M 1987:1
CRMPBC@RDISC China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Rediscount Rate (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 再貼現率 (年利率%)
M 1998:1
CRMPBC20D China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Loans to Financial Institutions: Less Than 20 days (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 對金融機構貸款 - 20天以內 (年利率%)
M 1987:1
CRMPBC3M China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Loans to Financial Institutions: 3 Months or Less (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 對金融機構貸款 - 3個月以內 (年利率%)
M 1993:5
CRMPBC6M China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Loans to Financial Institutions: 6 Months or Less (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 對金融機構貸款 - 6個月以內 (年利率%)
M 1993:5
CRMPBC1Y China - Central Bank Benchmark Interest Rates: Loans to Financial Institutions: 1 Year (% per annum)
中國 - 中央銀行基準利率 - 對金融機構貸款 - 1年期 (年利率%)
M 1987:1
CRESRAT China - Required Reserve Ratio (%)
中國 - 存款準備金率 (%)
M 1998:1