
Table 2  Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas
表 2   全國按城鄉分就業人員數 (年底數)

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CE@TOT China - No. of Employed Persons (year-end) - National Total (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國就業人員數 (年底數) (萬人)
A 1952
CEU@TOT China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Total (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 合計 (萬人)
A 1984
CEU@SOWN China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - State-owned Units (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 國有單位 (萬人)
A 1952
CEU@COWN China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Collective-owned Units (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 集體單位 (萬人)
A 1952
CEU@COOP China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Cooperative Units (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 股份合作單位 (萬人)
A 1998
CEU@JOWN China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Joint Ownership Units (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 聯營單位 (萬人)
A 1985
CEU@LLC China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Limited Liability Corporations (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 有限責任公司 (萬人)
A 1998
CEU@SHC China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Share-holding Corporations Ltd. (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 股份有限公司 (萬人)
A 1993
CEU@PENT China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Private Enterprises (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 私營企業 (萬人)
A 1990
CEU@HMT China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Units with Funds from Hong Kong Macau & Taiwan (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 港澳台商投資單位 (萬人)
A 1988
CEU@FOR China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Foreign Funded Units (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 外商投資單位 (萬人)
A 1987
CEU@INDI China - No. of Employed Persons in Urban Areas (year-end) - Self-employed Individuals (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國城鎮就業人員數 (年底數) - 個體 (萬人)
A 1952
CER@TOT China - No. of Employed Persons in Rural Areas (year-end) - Total (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國鄉村就業人員數 (年底數) - 合計 (萬人)
A 1952
CER@TENT China - No. of Employed Persons in Rural Areas (year-end) - Township & Village Enterprises (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國鄉村就業人員數 (年底數) - 鄉鎮企業 (萬人)
A 1985
CER@PENT China - No. of Employed Persons in Rural Areas (year-end) - Private Enterprises (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國鄉村就業人員數 (年底數) - 私營企業 (萬人)
A 1990
CER@INDI China - No. of Employed Persons in Rural Areas (year-end) - Self-employed Individuals (10000 persons)
中國 - 全國鄉村就業人員數 (年底數) - 個體 (萬人)
A 1990