
Table 8  Number of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study
表 8   普通高等學校分學科畢業生數

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
            ( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


NAME                        DESCRIPTION                        FREQ START
CNGRAH@TOT China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education - Total (1000 persons)
中國 - 普通高等學校畢業生數 - 合計 (千人)
A 1975
CNGRAH@PHIL China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Philosophy (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 哲學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@ECON China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Economics (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 經濟學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@LAW China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Law (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 法學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@EDU China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Education (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 教育學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@LIT China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Literature (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 文學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@HIS China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - History (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 歷史學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@SCI China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Science (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 理學 (人)
A 1994
CNGRAH@ENG China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Engineering (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 工學 (人)
A 1949
CNGRAH@AGR China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Agriculture (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 農學 (人)
A 1949
CNGRAH@MED China - No. of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study - Medicine (person)
中國 - 普通高等學校分學科畢業生數 - 醫學 (人)
A 1949