
Table 8 Occupation of Employed Persons, by Year in Taiwan Area

表 8 台灣地區歷年就業者之職業

  NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
  DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
  FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)

( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)

  START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)

單位: 千人 (1000 Persons)

E Labor Force Employed - Total (1000 persons) A 1951
  就業勞動力 - 總計 (千人) M 78:1 
ELEG Occupation of Employed Persons - Legislators, senior officials & Managers (1000 persons) A 1978
  就業者之職業 - 民意代表、企業主管及經理人員 (千人) M 78:1 
EPROF Occupation of Employed Persons - Professionals (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 專業人員 (千人) M 09:1 
ETEC Occupation of Employed Persons - Technicians & Associate Professionals (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 技術員及助理專業人員 (千人) M 09:1 
ECLE Occupation of Employed Persons - Clerical Support Workers (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 事務工作人員 (千人) M 09:1 
ESER Occupation of Employed Persons - Service & Sales Workers (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 服務及銷售工作人員 (千人) M 09:1 
EAGR Occupation of Employed Persons - Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 農、林、漁、牧業生產人員 (千人) M 09:1 
ECRAF Occupation of Employed Persons - Craft & Machine Operation Related Workers (1000 persons) A 2009
  就業者之職業 - 技藝有關工作人員、機械設備操作及勞力工 (千人) M 09:1