
E  Industrial/Commercial Registration

E  工商業登記動態

  NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
  DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
  FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)

( A:年資料,Q:季資料,M:月資料,W:週資料,D:日資料,S:半年資料)

  START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)

單位(Unit): 家, 新台幣百萬元, 新台幣億元 (Establishment, NT$ Millions, NT$ 100 Millions)

BUN              Number of Business Units (establishment) A 1996
營利事業營業家數 (家) M 96:01
BUNOP Number of Business Units Opened (establishment) A 1996
營利事業開業家數 (家) M 96:01
BUKOP Capital of Business Units Opened (NT$ million) A 1996
營利事業開業資本額 (新台幣百萬元) M 96:01
BUNCL              Number of Business Units Closed (establishment) A 1996
營利事業歇業家數 (家) M 96:01
BUKCL    Capital of Business Units Closed (NT$ million) A 1996
營利事業歇業資本額 (新台幣百萬元) M 96:01
CON Number of Companies Registered (establishment) A 1996
公司登記現有家數 (家) M 96:01
COK Capital of Companies Registered (NT$ 100 million) A 1996
公司登記現有資本額 (新台幣億元) M 96:01
CONNEW              Number of Companies Newly Registered (establishment) A 1996
公司登記新設立家數 (家) M 96:01
COKNEW Capital of Companies Newly Registered (NT$ 100 million) A 1996
公司登記新設立資本額 (新台幣億元) M 96:01
CONDIS              Number of Companies Dissolved With Licenses Revoked & Nullify (establishment) A 1996
公司解散、撤銷及廢止家數 (家) M 96:01
COKDIS Capital of Companies Dissolved With Licenses Revoked & Nullify (NT$ 100 million) A 1996
公司解散、撤銷及廢止資本額 (新台幣億元) M 96:01
FACNOP Number of Factories in Operating (year-end) (establishment) A 1990
營運中工廠家數 (家)
FACNNEW              Number of Factories Newly Registered (establishment) A 1985
工廠新登記家數 (家) M 96:01
FACNCL Number of Factories Closed (establishment) A 1985
工廠歇業家數 (家) M 96:01