
III Table 1 Prices of Food & Special Crops

III 表 1 糧食與特產價格

NAME:該筆資料的檢索代號 (retrieval code of the series)
DESCRIPTION:該筆資料之全名 (full name of the series)
FREQ:該筆資料之頻率 (available frequencies of the series)
START:該筆資料在資料庫之起始期間 (beginning date of the series)


PF@JPAD Farm Prices of Production Areas - Japonica Paddy (NT$/kg) A 1961
產地農場價格 - 蓬萊稻穀 (元/公斤) M 72:03
PF@IPAD Farm Prices of Production Areas - India Paddy (NT$/kg) A 1961
產地農場價格 - 在來稻穀 (元/公斤) M 77:01
PF@PEANUT           Farm Prices of Production Areas - Peanuts (with Husk) (NT$/kg) A 1964
產地農場價格 - 落花生 (元/公斤) M 72:12
PF@MBEAN Farm Prices of Production Areas - Mung Beans (NT$/kg) A 1977
產地農場價格 - 綠豆 (元/公斤) M 82:06
PF@SMBEAN Farm Prices of Production Areas - Small Beans (NT$/kg) A 1973
產地農場價格 - 紅豆 (元/公斤) M 73:03
PF@SESAME Farm Prices of Production Areas - Sesame (NT$/kg) A 1977
產地農場價格 - 芝麻 (元/公斤) M 82:01
PF@SPOTATO Farm Prices of Production Areas - Sweet Potatoes (NT$/kg) A 1982
產地農場價格 - 甘藷 (食用) (元/公斤) M 82:12
PF@HTEA Farm Prices of Production Areas - Tea Leaf (Hand-picking) (NT$/kg) A 1968
產地農場價格 - 茶菁 (1心2葉) (元/公斤) M 72:12
PF@MTEA Farm Prices of Production Areas - Tea Leaf (Machine-picking) (NT$/kg) A 1977
產地農場價格 - 茶菁 (機剪) (元/公斤) M 82:04
PF@CHRY Farm Prices of Production Areas - Chrysanthemum (NT$/kg) A 1990
產地農場價格 - 菊花 (元/公斤) M 90:01
PF@GLAD Farm Prices of Production Areas - Gladiolus (NT$/kg) A 1990
產地農場價格 - 唐菖蒲 (元/公斤) M 90:01
PR@JRICE Retail Prices of Cities - Japonica Rice Polished (NT$/kg) A 1964
都市零售價格 - 蓬萊白米 (元/公斤) M 71:01
PR@IRICE Retail Prices of Cities - India Rice Polished (NT$/kg) A 1964
都市零售價格 - 在來白米 (元/公斤) M 71:01
PR@PEANUT Retail Prices of Cities - Peanuts (Shelled) (NT$/kg) A 1977
都市零售價格 - 花生仁 (元/公斤) M 82:01
PR@MBEAN Retail Prices of Cities - Mung Beans (NT$/kg) A 1977
都市零售價格 - 綠豆 (元/公斤) M 82:01
PR@SMBEAN Retail Prices of Cities - Small Beans (NT$/kg) A 1973
都市零售價格 - 紅豆 (元/公斤) M 73:03
PR@SPOTATO Retail Prices of Cities - Sweet Potatoes (NT$/kg) A 1990
都市零售價格 - 甘藷 (食用)   (元/公斤) M 90:02
PR@BTEA Retail Prices of Cities - Black Tea (2nd Grade) (NT$/kg) A 1964
都市零售價格 - 紅茶 (中等) (元/公斤) M 71:01
PR@GTEA Retail Prices of Cities - Green Tea (2nd Grade) (NT$/kg) A 1964
都市零售價格 - 綠茶 (中等) (元/公斤) M 71:01
PR@CHRY Retail Prices of Cities - Chrysanthemum (NT$/kg) A 1990
都市零售價格 - 菊花 (元/公斤) M 90:01
PR@GLAD Retail Prices of Cities - Gladiolus (NT$/kg) A 1990
都市零售價格 - 唐菖蒲 (元/公斤) M 90:01